A further highlight of our vacation was a trip to snorkel with the largest fish in the world, the Whale Shark. This involved a fairly high speed boat trip from a small port north of Cancun, by-passing Isla Mujeres and travelling out 30-40 miles into the Carribean Sea. The trips are well managed and are designed to have minimum impact on the sharks. You are only allowed to snorkel two at a time and accompanied by the guide. Touching the fish is not allowed and you are only allowed in the water with bio-degradable sunscreen.

Whale Sharks taken from the boat - the boat captains have eagle eyes spotting them

They don't look fearsome and are gentle plankton feeders - it is, however, a good idea to get out of the way when they come straight at you

Rear of whale shark - they are wonderful creatures

Our guide for scale!
And heres a short video of me and my daughter swimming with them. Its all a bit murky but it gives you some idea

Not a trip for land lovers. Out of seven people on our boat only three were unaffected by sea sickness

Our guide taking a shine to my daughter

.......and finally your correspondent looking a little weathered. The lifejacket and T-shirt stayed on for at least 5 minutes.
Thats all folks.Yucatan is a wonderful place to visit and we thoroughly enjoyed our holiday. I hope my review has given you some insight into the area.